Pool Magazine - Podcasts for the Pool Industry
Pool Magazine - Podcasts for the Pool Industry
Master Smart Pump Tech - And Get the Latest on Energy Regulations From Pentair
This episode of Pool Magazine dives into the world of pool pump technology and energy compliance. Joining us are Adam Key, Senior Product Manager for Pumps at Pentair Pool, and Rob Gaither, Inside Sales Manager for Pentair Pool, who discuss the benefits of variable-speed pumps like the IntelliFlo3. They emphasize how this technology enhances pool flow efficiency, reduces noise, and improves water clarity—all while lowering energy costs.
The conversation extends into automation and remote monitoring capabilities, highlighting how these innovations streamline pool management for both homeowners and professionals. The guests also provide insights into upcoming energy regulations that require variable-speed motors, which present new opportunities for pool professionals to help clients remain compliant while saving on energy. This episode is a comprehensive resource for industry professionals eager to stay informed on technological advances and regulatory changes in pool equipment.
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[00:00:00.570] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Thanks for joining us on another episode of Pool magazine podcast. I'm your host, Joe Trusty, Editor of Pool magazine. Today I'm chatting with Adam Key, Senior Product Manager for Pumps at Pentair Pool, and Rob Gaither, Inside Sales Manager for Pentair Pool. Today, we're going to be chatting about smart pump technology, entry-level automation, and the latest energy regulations. It's a pleasure to have you both with us today on the show.
[00:00:25.260] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Hi, Joe. Thanks. It's great to be here, and I'm excited about the things that we're going to talk about today.
[00:00:30.350] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, same here. Excited to join this discussion.
[00:00:33.010] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Glad to have you guys. Let's get started. When it comes to pool pumps, we know that flow plays an integral part in performance. Adam, can you maybe kick things off for us by explaining why pool flow technology is so crucial?
[00:00:45.500] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Absolutely. I know we've all heard this a million times now, but a pool pump is the heart of a pool filtration system. It's the thing that's moving the water through the filter. It's the thing that's moving the water through water features. Without it, we really cannot have a pool that’s safe to swim in, at least. So it's really the most important thing that's keeping the water safe for us, and really controlling that water flow is an essential piece for effective filtration. If you're trying to cram too much water through a filter, you're really not filtering that water as good as you could be. So controlling that water, slowing it down, it really is important for providing cleaner pools and also reducing issues for pool professionals as they maintain those pools.
[00:01:32.720] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, Adam, 100%. We're talking about pool flow technology. So what we're really talking about is controlling the flow rate that pump is creating. One of the things from the single-speed days when you could not control flow that was a byproduct of that pump running wide open all the time was the noise factor. There were times I was in backyards when I was a service tech, and I'm trying to have a conversation with a homeowner, and we've got to walk away from the pool pad because it was so loud. Even, to be honest, with variable speed pumps, if they're not programmed correctly, they can be noisy as well. That's one of the great things about the Intelliflo 3 is it's incredibly quiet, so those days are behind us now.
[00:02:16.420] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
I mean, it sounds like a win-win. Adam, how do variable speed pumps help improve water clarity?
[00:02:23.060] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Another great question. Back in the days of single-speed pumps, we ran them. They only had one option. It's run it wide open, but you run them for six hours a day. But you don't run them longer than that for two reasons. One, that noise we talked about, homeowners don't want to hear that while they're having dinner or sleeping. But also just the energy cost. The water that they're consuming because you can't slow them down. It says a lot. If you were running that for really long periods of time, those bills rack up. We would only filter the water for a short period of time throughout the day. The rest of the day, that water is more or less sitting stagnant. And stagnant water is not being filtered, it's not being sanitized. It's really just a place for organics to grow, and that can lead to some unsafe water conditions. So with variable speed pumps and the ability to slow that water down, you have the ability to run it longer. So you're moving that water for longer periods of time. In some cases, it's around the clock. You never stop moving the water. And because the energy usage is a lot less, you're not paying for that. The noise is a lot quieter, so you're not hearing it. So you really have the ability to really improve that water clarity and enhance that pool experience and make it a safer environment.
[00:03:37.390] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, Adam, that's exactly right. I heard you mention slashing energy costs. When you slow a variable speed pump down and run that pump for longer periods of time, a lot of homeowners... I will say with training and education, we're getting to the point where homeowners are starting to understand this. But it's It's difficult sometimes because like you said, they're used to running a single speed pump for 6 hours a day, and the pump being off for 18 hours a day, to them, is saving them money. But actually, by slowing the speed down and running the pump for a longer run time, they'll actually save up to 90% sometimes on their energy bills. It's a training and education deal for the homeowner. It is an investment upfront, but the data shows that they'll get that money back very quickly through the months and years of usage.
[00:04:30.410] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Well, I would have to agree with you there. I mean, one of the biggest benefits of upgrading to a variable speed pump is the fact that you could run it longer at lower speeds. I mean, that's one feature that I know we take advantage of with my own pump at home, particularly during the height of summer when I know for sure that we'll be using the pool more often. Like you said earlier, though, I feel like a lot of consumers are becoming aware of that benefit, but you hit the nail on the head when you said the energy savings alone are a great reason to go with a variable speed pump. I mean, that's particularly true if you're going to use one with automation, which leads me to another good question that maybe you can answer for me, Rob. I mean, can you explain for our listeners the automation capabilities of the Intelliflo VSF pump?
[00:05:09.390] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, absolutely. It's one of my favorite things about this pump is not every pool is the same. Not every pool owner wants the same experience. There's different equipment sets on different pool pads. Before the the Intelliflo 3, you had to have a automation panel with a power center and relays on on your wall by that pool pad to control all those different setups. With the Intelliflo 3, you have the option of adding a relatively inexpensive relay system to the back of the pump, and you can control two different pieces of equipment with it. We're talking turning a soft learning generator off and on, controlling lights. You don't have to go out to the breaker panel or a light switch somewhere and cycle it seven times whatever color that is. You can just literally on your phone just say, All right, I want it on ‘Sunset’ or ‘Caribbean’ or whatever. It really adds a nice control factor right from your phone. And again, without the need for an external automation system.
[00:06:17.480] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
It's not just about the other equipment, too. Having the automation in the pump, it's really nice. It's a game changer for the convenience to be able to control extra things. But also this pump, it's a connected pump. It can be put on the homeowners' WiFi. They have visibility to what their pump is doing from wherever they are. So yes, they can also turn their lights on or off from their phone instead of having to do that from a light switch. But You could be on vacation and you could look at your phone and see that your pump is still running or see that maybe it's not running, something's happened. You could call your service company and come take care of something so it's not a mess when you get home. Or you could be on vacation and know that you're getting a storm at home and you need to increase the amount of filtration that you're doing because of that storm. You could do that remotely because this pump is connected. Instead of having to wait until you get home to clean up a mess, you can prevent the mess from happening. This really is providing a lot of convenience and a lot of peace of mind that homeowners just haven't had in the past.
[00:07:23.730] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Well, very solid points, Adam. I'm a big fan of the remote control capabilities. Proactive is always better than reactive. These features definitely make the Intelliflo VSF pump a standout product for consumers. But as we're discussing convenience, I was hoping that maybe you could touch base on some of the points of how remote monitoring benefits pool professionals.
[00:07:44.550] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
That's another great question there. So remote monitoring really is a game changer for professionals. I think most people are becoming familiar with this ability through full automation panels. But this is something that we have made happen on just a pump. So for these simple pools that don't have automation, but from a service standpoint, you still want to provide the ability and convenience and extra service of having this call it 24/7 monitoring. It's really that remote visibility. You can do that on this pump. So using the Pentair Pro app, you can remotely monitor those and see the pump status just like the homeowner would. You can get alerts about the pump, for example, loss prime. Before you even go out there, you have a good idea of what's happening. Or in some cases, it may be something that you can have the homeowner fix on their own, and you don't even have to roll the truck out there to fix that. It really allows you to address issues before they come big problems, simply from this being able to remotely see what's going on.
[00:08:41.740] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, I like the word you used, Adam, game changer, because It's truly accurate. It's proactive. You hit on this already. Simple problems that a pump loses prime because the water level drops and a homeowner doesn't just understand that. Normally, that's who I know it's a 20, 25-minute ride to a customer's house just to say, Hey, you need to throw some water in the pool. With this remote monitoring, this is something that you can do from the office. So truly, it is a game changer. And it's also another revenue stream as well. Customers love that proactive approach and knowing that a pool professional is keeping an eye on their pool experience.
[00:09:21.370] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Yeah. So like you said, remote monitoring, it truly does offer a whole new level of service. It's a potential revenue stream. It gives you the ability to give that white glove service and really grow your business as a professional, you're offering a better experience to those pool owners. It allows you to increase your revenue through them.
[00:09:42.210] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
I got to agree there, fellows. White glove service is definitely something that today's discerning pool owners are looking for. Adam, can you tell us maybe a little bit about the upcoming energy regulations that are coming down the pipe?
[00:09:54.870] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Sure. So hopefully everyone listening is well aware of the Department of Energy regulations that went into effect back in 2021 that required all filter pool pumps between 1.15 and 5 horsepower had to be variable speed. Today, outside of a few states that have state laws, you can still replace motors on single speed pumps within that range. Starting in 2025, in September of 2025, the Department of Energy is extending this to those replacement motors. So you no longer can replace those single speed motors. You will have to move that to a variable speed option, whether it be a motor or a whole new pump. So that's something that is further engaging the opportunity of all the benefits of the variable speed pumps. It's bringing that into the market that was still reluctant. It allows us the opportunity as pool professionals to really further enhance those benefits and provide that better experience for those homeowners that may not even know what they're missing out on. Similar to those regulations, In the US, in the Department of Energy, Canada is looking at the same types of things. So it's in the final stages of approval, but it's looking like starting in January of '25, they're going to have a similar rule to what we have in the US today. So that's just something that for any of the audience that may be in Canada, it's something you need to start addressing now because very soon, you won't be able to sell and install the single-speed pumps anymore. You need to start educating these homeowners on the benefits and opportunities of these variable speed pumps.
[00:11:39.070] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, Adam, you pretty much said it all. There's not a ton I could add here. The only thing I would add is the Intelliflo 3 is not just incredibly compliant with all of these new regulations that are here and that are coming. It's actually just a significant upgrade. We talked about a noise factor or it's a lack thereof, I should say. It's just a lot quieter. It's more energy-efficient. And then the great part about it is it gives the homeowners a new level of control that they want over their pool experience.
[00:12:08.540] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Good information. Important information for pool pros to have, and I'm glad we got it from you guys directly. As we wrap up, what are your closing thoughts that you'd like to leave our listeners with?
[00:12:21.630] - Adam Key - Pentair Pool
Yeah. So all of us as pool professionals, we have a great potential, a great opportunity. We just have to be open to adapt some new technologies, new features. We understand that these products and technologies have the ability to help homeowners save money. They may not see it that way at first. They may be just looking at a large quote or a large bill. It's important that we help them understand what they're really getting, what the opportunities are, how this is going to improve their pool experience and save them money in a long time. In a lot of these changes, it's not just about new rules. It's really about improvement and making their pool experience better. And then just remembering that this equipment and these features, especially with Intel Flow 3, it puts you in a position to grow your business and make more money. You just have to work with these homeowners to help them understand the benefits of what they're getting. With them through that, you'll grow and prosper.
[00:13:16.470] - Rob Gaither - Pentair Pool
Yeah, the word that you just used that I really liked was opportunity. Sometimes with technology, people can shy away from it or maybe be a little intimidated at first. But I encourage everyone to look at the technological capabilities of this Intel Flow 3 as an opportunity, opportunities to offer things like remote monitoring services, helping homeowners create a more efficient pool experience, save them money. There's a ton of opportunity to be had with the Intelliflo 3. And to be honest, it's just really about staying ahead of that curve. And I believe the Intelliflo 3 does just that.
[00:13:49.990] - Joe Trusty - Pool Magazine
Adam, Rob, thanks so much for sharing your expertise and taking time out to connect with us today. I really enjoyed our discussion. Lots of valuable information from you guys. Hopefully, those listening in will be able to take some Actionable Insights that they can apply to their own business. It's an exciting opportunity for Pool Pros, and I hope that you'll implement these strategies to start growing your service offerings in the coming years. That's all the time that we have left for today. Make sure to like, share, follow, and subscribe, and we'll catch you next time on another episode of Pool magazine podcast.